Monday, September 17, 2007


My mom and I went to a street fair this past Saturday and part of it was a yard sale for some cause or another. I was looking originally for baby toys. But then something caught my eye:

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This is a brand new Krups 10 cup coffeemaker!

OK, a bit of back story. We have a coffeemaker here in the house (BTW, we live with DH's grandmother)but it is an under cabinet style and it is probably older than me. It's still works, kind of. Two Christmases ago we had Christmas here and Dh's cousin (who is now 24) wanted to make Christmas dinner. It was pretty good. But making the coffee for after dinner she dropped the piece where the water goes (it's kind of like a humidifier) and broke the plastic seal where the water drips out the bottom. So now all the water gets all over when you fill it up before you can get the piece in. I don't know if anyone ever told Dh's grandmother and Dh's cousin is kind of a favorite of his grandmother. She get very mad if anyone tries to tell her that her precious granddaughter does anything wrong.

So knowing this but craving coffee (and chocolate and meat) lately, I have been looking for a coffeemaker. I had gone to Walmart but the cheapest one was $15.99, which although cheap is not in the budget because it is a want not a need. When I saw this coffeemaker I grabbed it and offered two dollars for it. I was countered with $5 but then offered $3 and a deal was made.

So I got a brand new coffeemaker for $3!!!!!!!

Yay for coffee! I now wake up, make a bottle for Cash and some coffee for me.

**Milk & Sugar Please**

Monday, September 10, 2007

Poor Britney!

It's so hard to feel sorry for her but I just have to. I kinda want to take her and shake her and tell her to put some clothes on and give her sons a hug. I know every time I pick up my son (who is 6 months old) it makes me want to be the best person I can be.

P & PT for you Britney!

Britney Spears Gimme More Mtv vmas 2007 live

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Thursday, August 30, 2007

Cool sites I have found

For Moms (or Dads :): Kizoodle
My referral code is 596FQ1.

This site is awesome because it is essentially a swap site but you use credits instead of money to actually buy things. Hopefully I'll get rid of some baby things I've never used with this site. BTW, babies grow very fast. ;) Half the stuff I got at my shower I never had time to use b/c Cash grew out of them.

Project Playlist

This site lets you set up a playlist of your favorite songs (up to 75 songs per playlist) and add the playlist to any website, blog, etc.

The Art of Jeff Thomas

We have all seen this artists work on icons but here is his main page and galleries.

Take a look and let me know what you think.
I have been a very busy internet beaver today :)

Wednesday, August 29, 2007


I got a job, I got a job, I got a job, hey, hey, hey! (it's from Little Rascals :) I'm now working at Target. Hopefully it will let us get out of the rut we're in.

Mo Money, Mo Money!

Thursday, August 23, 2007


For the first time in years, ok maybe a year, I'm watching Friends. I used to love that show but now I've seen almost all the episodes. And now I'm too lazy to change the channel. So now Ross meets Charlie (a female coworker who he is interested in) and takes her to a party Joey is hosting. She starts making out with Joey who Rachel has a thing for. And I think this is right before Ross and Rachel get pregnant.

I'm so confused. :)

Wednesday, August 22, 2007


As I sit here sipping my mug of hot tea and sugar, I have finished my latest library book. Lullabies for Little Criminals by Heather O'Neill. The heroine is 12 going on 13 for most of the book. I'm also watching Vh1's 100 Greatest Teen Stars. Nostalgia is setting in. I really loved being 12. 13 was hard but 12 was a blissfully unaware and happy time. I remember the outfit I wore to the 5th grade dance and how awesome I felt wearing something so cool. I remember getting everyones signatures on my beach ball at the end of the night. Then boys came into the picture and mom lost control and I started realizing life was not all peaches and cream (an analogy I still love to this day ;). I found out I had to work to get what I wanted or more like what everyone else wanted me to be. I would have been just as happy sitting in my room lost in a book. Which I did as much as I could. I probably would have started doing drugs if I had cooler friends. Just to escape the harsh reality of everyday life. I tried smoking in 11th grade. It never worked for me. Even though I had cooler friends. I think they all thought I was just sweet little Marissa. Which I have mostly come to terms with, (probably 90%).

The next best time in my life was probably when I turned 21. I moved out of my mom's house and the feeling of being free was almost orgasmic. (For those of you who know why, you will understand, for those of you who don't and want to just ask) I got my first tattoo, which is probably the best feeling in the world. I got a good job and I was able to go anywhere I wanted and not have to tell anyone.

23-25 was the next time I was truly happy and having fun. Work was going well, friends were comfortable and life was fun.

To be continued but let's start a discussion...

Monday, August 20, 2007

My New Favorite Quote

I've got two for you today.

"I wanted to spread my pain because I just couldn't bear it." ~Unknown

"Kurt Cobain took my cricket!" ~Kiss Kiss Bang Bang

What are your favorite quotes?